kubectl apply
With this method, you can not change the default configuration parameters.
You need to have kubectl installed and connected to the cluster where you want to install kube-green.
The default static configuration for the latest release can be installed with:
kubectl apply -f
If you want to install a specific release version, run:
kubectl apply -f${RELEASE_TAG}/kube-green.yaml
correctly filled.
kube-green will be installed in kube-green
namespace, and it is possible to see the installation status running:
kubectl get pods --namespace kube-green
and see when the kube-green-controller-manager
pod is up and running.
Helm Chart
kube-green has its own Helm chart which can be used to install the operator in the cluster.
1. Add the Helm repository
This repository is the source of kube-green charts.
helm repo add kube-green
2. Install kube-green
To install the kube-green Helm chart, run:
helm install kube-green kube-green/kube-green --namespace kube-green --create-namespace
Installation options
A full list of available Helm values is on the Helm chart repository.
Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)
Install from
You can find kube-green in the website. Click the Install button, and follow the instructions.
Install on OpenShift
kube-green is in the Red Hat-provided Operator catalogs called community operators. On OpenShift 4 you can install kube-green from OperatorHub. To install it, follow this guide.
Change default configuration
You can change default configuration editing the config files.
For example, to deploy the controller in another namespace, change the file kustomization.yaml with the desired namespace name.
To install kube-green in the cluster, clone the repository and run
make deploy
This will create a new namespace, kube-green, which contains the pod of the operator.