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How it works

The use of kube-green is very simple. Once installed on the cluster, configure the desired CRD to make it work.
The CRD used by kube-green is called SleepInfo. In this configuration, it is possible to configure the sleep and wake up time for the namespace.

An example of configuration is:

kind: SleepInfo
name: working-hours
weekdays: "1-5"
sleepAt: "20:00"
wakeUpAt: "08:00"
timeZone: "Europe/Rome"
suspendCronJobs: true
- apiVersion: "apps/v1"
kind: Deployment
name: my-deployment

With this SleepInfo, called working-hours, the namespace will be slept at 20:00 and woken up at 08:00 (Italy time zone) on weekdays (Monday to Friday).

What resources are handled?

kube-green handles:

  • Deployment
  • CronJobs
  • StatefulSet

By default, on sleep, deployment and statefulset resources are stopped (if not excluded).
If you want to suspend cronjobs as well, set suspendCronJobs to true.

What does it mean to sleep and wake up a resource?

The sleep of the resource is the stop of the resource, and it depends on the type of resource.

The wake up of the resource is the restoration of the status of the resource before the sleep.

Deployment and StatefulSet

To sleep the Deployment and StatefulSet resources, replicas are set to 0.

To wake up, the number of replicas is set to the number of replicas before the sleep.


To sleep the CronJob resources, they are set as suspended.

To wake up, the suspend field is restored.

How is the state saved across sleep and wake up?

The state of the resources before the sleep is saved in a secret with the name of the SleepInfo resource in the namespace.