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To uninstall kube-green, you should always use the same process for installing but in reverse.

Before continuing, ensure that there are not kube-green resources in the cluster.
You can check it with the following command:

kubectl get SleepInfo --all-namespaces



The uninstall commands below will delete all kube-green CRD in the cluster.
If you run undeploy command, the namespace of kube-green (by default kube-green), will be deleted.

You can uninstall it using the kubectl delete command.

Delete the installation manifests using a link to your currently running kube-green version:${RELEASE_TAG}/kube-green.yaml

where ${RELEASE_TAG} is the tag of the release currently running.



The uninstall commands below will delete all kube-green CRD in the cluster.
If you run undeploy command, the namespace of kube-green (by default kube-green), will be deleted.

To uninstall kube-green from the cluster, change working directory to the root of kube-green repository, and run:

make undeploy

Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM)

To uninstall kube-green from the cluster, follow this guide.